
Copyright Policy

Like Like Taurenidus Firstspecs Firstspecs Content are Free To Share Under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that is devoted to expanding creative work for others to build upon and legally share.

Under an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Creative Commons License, Like Taurenidus Firstspecs's content is free to modify, republish and share.

Like Taurenidus Firstspecs's images may be shared according to the license marked on each image page.

This enables blogs, websites and organizations, such as UNICEF and One Laptop Per Child, to freely redistribute our content to more readers and allows our community a right to fork.

If you redistribute Like Taurenidus Firstspecs content, please follow these conditions:
  • Attribution.png
    You must attribute the work to Like Taurenidus Firstspecs by prominently linking back to the source pages on TaurenIdus. See our attribution requirements for details.
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    Do not use our content for commercial purposes (e.g., a website or app with advertisements or a paid app). Commercial republishing requests for the text of selected articles may be approved, provided that republication is consistent with the TaurenIdus community's goal of providing a free education to the world. If you are seeking to republish Like Taurenidus Firstspecs content for commercial purposes, please send a detailed email to taurenidus@gmail.com that includes the URLs of the articles you would like to republish, how you plan to republish the articles, and how you plan to monetize the content.
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    If you alter, remix, transform or build upon our content, you may distribute the resulting work under the same or similar Creative Commons License.
Unless otherwise stated all content and images are protected with copyright. Any blogger, freelancer, and webmaster are not allowed to copy and paste to their blog without permission.
Images are subject of copyright, all these images are created or screen shot of html animations.

If any one want to use some text and information then please contact us: taurenidus@gmail.com or provide back link(do follow) to our posts, that is visible to users and link original content.

Copyright: It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. More information about our copyright procedures can be found here.

Note: We are not responsible for linked content, this is info site, so contact appropriate hosts sites for content removal.
All Sites linked here has there own DMCA Procedures.