
How To Unblock My Blocked SBI ATM CUM Debit Card

Oct 19, 2016
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Due to saftety from virus attack SBI Block 0.6M Menas 6 Lakh of ATM Card. This is trending news that sbi block atm card to avoid risk of attacking.

In Hindi: भारतीय स्टेट बैंक ने ब्लॉक कर दिया 6 लाख एटीएम कार्ड। वायरस के संभावित खतरे के कारन sbi ने ये कदम उठाया है
To unblock atm card, use these below process to unblock atm card.

Follow these simple steps to immediately unblock your card:

This is not work to your atm because on 18 Oct 2016 about 6 Lakh ATM is blocked.
What next: Keep Patience and Wait 24 Hours its unblock automatically in each case.
There is no process except waiting...

According to Bhasin, many other banks are also facing such a situation and have been urging their customers to change their PINs for a long time now, Bhasin, told the ToI. In the wake of several cases of ATM frauds where customers PIN has been hacked and the money siphoned off by fraudsters, some banks have issued text messages while some others have sent mails to change ATM pin or sent new ATM pins to their customers. As on July 2016, there were 20.27 crore active debit cards from SBI, according to the Reserve Bank of India website, while SBI's associate banks had a total of 4.75 crore active debit cards, the ToI report said. Around 0.25 percent of the cards have been blocked due to malware that has led the SBI to block them. High-tech ATM frauds have been rising of late. Recently PTI reported that a woman customer had complained of Rs 55,000 being siphoned off her account from abroad. The woman, an account holder with State Bank of Travancore's Pattom branch in Kerala, said in her complaint to police that the money was withdrawn twice on September 3 and 5. Police said the cash had been withdrawn from a foreign country from an ATM counter, but did not elaborate. The heist comes less than a month after some persons lost their money in an ATM theft involving some foreigners, including Romanians.

  1. Insert your ATM card. 
  2. Select the option " Services "
  3. Select the option " Bill Pay" 
  4. Select the option " SBI Credit Cards" 
  5. Select the option "Credit Card Registration " , enter the desired SBI Credit Card Number. 
  6. Your SBI Credit Card Registration request would be sent for processing. Registration is a one-time activity.

अपने एटीएम को अनब्लॉक कैसे करे 

कृपया घबराये नहीं स.बी.ई ने 6 लाख एटीएम को ब्लॉक कर  दिया है। अनब्लॉक करने के लिए अंग्रेजी में दिए गए आर्टिकल को पड़गे 

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